Wicket in Action

Wicket Paris Meetup was a blast!

04 May 2009, by dashorst

I just returned from Paris where I was speaking (as the sole presenter!) at the Wicket meetup organized by Zenika. The event was really well organized (champagne before and after) and the audience was kind and attentive. I enjoyed the experience very much. Zenika ét tous qui étaient lá: merçi beaucoup!

[caption id="attachment_374" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Wicket presentation organized by Zenika"]Wicket presentation organized by Zenika[/caption]

Just a couple of tips for folks travelling to Paris: the Thalys service is great. If you have an iPhone, purchase the Paris Metro application and finally avoid going to Paris on May 1st (everything is closed and the french are exercising their national pastime: protesting).

ps. with thanks to my dad who pointed out my bad french language skills...
