Wicket in Action

Apache Wicket Cookbook Giveaway Contest

17 May 2011, by ivaynberg

Packt Publishing has generously allowed me to
give away a free copy of the ebook version of Apache Wicket Cookbook (http://link.packtpub.com/AzN8N9), and a free one year subscription to PacktLib - an online, digital book library where you can view, read and search through every book published by Packt from the comfort of your browser.

All you have to do to enter is to leave a comment here describing:

  • A feature in Wicket you love the most
  • A feature in Wicket you hate the most and how it can be improved

At the end of two weeks (June 1st) I will pick out what I think are the most thoughtful and well-reasoned comments and out of those pick a winner by a random draw.

Cheers and good luck!

And the lucky winner, courtesy of random.org, is #16 Dominik Drzewiecki. Someone from PACKT will be getting in touch with you shortly.</p>

Thank you to all who participated. Your feedback will allow us to identify areas where Wicket needs tweaking and make it even better!
